“Non-sciency” table-of-contents in a LaTeX book

One of my “customers” wanted a book that didn’t look so “sciency” (i.e., like LaTeX). In addition to the look of the chapter and sections headings (described in my last post), my “customers” wanted the table-of-contents to also look “non-sciency”. So this is what I did.

The package to use for manipulations of the table-of-contents is titletoc:


The entry for a chapter specifies that chapters are prefaced with the chapter label (which is “Teil X” in our case) and otherwise pretty standard:

    [3.2em] % left margin from the left page margin. % default 1.5em
    {\addvspace{1em}\usekomafont{title}} % global formatting of the entry.
    {\contentslabel{3.2em}}  % numbered entry
    {\hspace*{-1.3em}} % non-nubered entry
    {\titlerule*[.5pc]{}\contentspage}  % filler-page format

Sections are not numbered and otherwise rather standard, except for a few adjustments of spacing:

    [1em] % left margin from the left page margin.
    {} % global formatting of the entry.
    {} % numbered entry, default \contentslabel{2.3em}
    {} % non-nubered entry
    {~\titlerule*[.7pc]{.}\contentspage} % filler-page format
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About swk

I am a software developr, data scientist, computational linguist, teacher of computer science and above all a huge fan of LaTeX. I use LaTeX for everything, including things you never wanted to do with LaTeX. My latest love is lilypond, aka LaTeX for music. I'll post at irregular intervals about cool stuff, stupid hacks and annoying settings I want to remember for the future.