Tidyverse R package


Tidyverse is a collection of R packages for the comfortable cleanup of data. Loading the package tidyverse will laod the core tidyverse packages: tibble, tidyr, readr, purrr, and dplyr. You can of course also load each package individually.


  • Tidyverse is optimized for interactive workflow with data
  • Each function does one thing easy and well
  • Basic idea: action(data, some_arguments) or data %>% action(some_arguments)
  • Everything works with tibbles
  • Web page: http://tidyverse.org/
  • Workshop page (withe example scripts): http://bodowinter.com/carpentry/index.html

Core packages


  • A modern version of dataframes
  • The first argument of every tidyverse function and what every tidyverse function returns
  • Tibbles use characters instead of factors for texts
  • Tibbles have nicer printout than normal dataframes: show data type of columns, number of rows, only the first few rows/columns not all of the data
 mynames <- c('bla', 'jkl', 'xyz', 'asdf', 'asdf')
 age <- c(NA, 30, 20, 25, 18)
 pre <- round(rnorm(length(mynames)), 2)
 post <- round(rnorm(length(mynames)), 2)
 mydata <- tibble(mynames, age, pre, post)  # create tibble from data
 mydf <- data.frame(mynames, age, pre, post)
 as_tibble(mydf)  # convert data frame into tibble


  • Does the same as read.csv from base R, it reads a csv file
  • Faster
  • Automatically creates tibbles
  • Progress bar for big files


  • A data frame is a rectangular array of variables (columns) and observations (rows)
  • A tidy data frame is a data frame where…
    ** Each variable is in a column.
    ** Each observation is a row.
    ** Each value is a cell.

  • Wide format: a row has many entries for observations, e.g., time-series in columns T0, T1, T2, …

  • Long format: each observation is a separate row, time is a new column, e.g., row1 is T0, row2 is T1, row3 is T2
  • Two functions: gather() to convert from wide format to long format and spread() to convert from wide format to long format
 # Convert to long format, so that every observation is one row,
 # with either the text 'pre' or 'post' in the column 'exam'
 # and the value that was in pre or post now in the column 'score'
 tidydf <- gather(mydata, exam, score, pre:post)

 # From tidydf create the same thing back that we had in mydata (wide format)
 spread(tidydf, exam, score)
  • Easily split columns with separate() and merge with unite()
    court # tibble with lots of comma-separated text in one column ‘text’
 # Split it into 14 columns with the names A-N, 
 # Convert = True -> try to guess the datatypes, otherwise everything would be characters
 court <- separate(court, text, into = LETTERS[1:14], convert = T)

 # Put columns B, C and D into one column 'condition'
 court <- unite(court, condition, B, C, D)


  • Filter rows with filter()
 filter(mydata, !is.na(age), pre>0, !duplicated(mynames))
 filter(mydata, mynames %in% c('jkl', 'bla'))
 filter(mydata, post > pre)
  • Select columns with select()
 select(mydata, pre) # select a column
 select(mydata, -pre) # select everything besides this column
 select(mydata, age:pre) # select all columns between pre and post
 select(mydata, -(pre:post)) # select all columns besides those between pre and post
 select(mydata, pre:post, age, mynames) # select and reorder
  • Sort a tibble by a column with arrange()
 arrange(mydata, desc(age), pre) # sort by age (descending), then by pre
  • Rename one or more columns with rename()
 rename(mydata, newname=pre, othernew=post)
  • Add new columns with mutate() and transmute()
        diff = pre-post, 
        diff = diff*2, 
        diff_c = diff-mean(diff, na.rm=T))
 mutate(mydata, gender = ifelse(mynames == 'jkl', 'F', 'M'))
 # transmute does the same, but returns only newly defined columns
 transmute(mydata,  diff = pre-post,  diff2 = diff*2) 
  • Aggregate data with summarize()
 mydata %>% group_by(gender) %>% 
        summarise(MeanAge = mean(age, na.rm=T), Mean = mean(score, na.rm=T), SD = sd(score, na.rm=T))
 # na.rm -> remove NA values
  • Merge tibbles with left_join() (there are also other joins)

Other packages


  • Pipes: %>%
  • Send the same dataframe as input to a pipeline of actions.
  • Example:
 mydf %>%
        filter(!is.na(F0)) %>%
        mutate(LogFreq = log(Freq)) %>%
        group_by(Condition) %>%
        summarise(mean = mean(LogFreq))
  • Does the same as:
 mydf.filtered <- filter(mydf, !is.na(F0))
 mydf.log <- mutate(mydf.filtered, LogFreq = log(Freq))
 mydf.grouped <- group_by(mydf.log, mydf.log)
 summarise(mydf.grouped, mean = mean(LogFreq))


  • “An aesthetic is a visual property of the objects in your plot. Aesthetics include things like the size, the shape, or the color of your points.”
  • “A geom is the geometrical object that a plot uses to represent data.”
  • General form:
 ggplot(data = <DATA>) +
                mapping = aes(<MAPPINGS>),
                stat = <STAT>,
                position = <POSITION>
        ) +
  • Examples:
 ggplot(mydf, # dataframe/tibble as first arg, mapping -> from data to aestetics/graphic properties
        mapping = aes( # aes -> set of aestetics mappings,
           x = pred, y = resp #  map x/y-values of plot to dataframe columns with these names
         )) + geom_point() # add shape to the plot
 ggplot(mydf, mapping = aes( x = pred)) + 
        geom_histogram(binwidth = .5, 
        fill = rgb(0.2,0.4,0.8,0.6),   # rgb values in [0..1], last part is alpha
        color = 'black')   # use colors() to get a list of all colors
 ggplot(mydf, mapping = aes( x = pred)) + 
        geom_density(fill = rgb(0.8,0.4,0.3,0.6), color = 'black') 


  • Basic String manipulation
 s1 <- "THis is a String 123 that has numbers 456 "
  • String concatenation and splitting
 str_c("Hello", "Bodo", "nice", "to", "meet", "you", sep = " ")
 s2 <- c('Anna Beispiel', 'Cornelia Daten', 'Egon Fritz')
 xsplit <- str_split(s2, ' ') # Returns a list of character vectors
 unlist(xsplit) # Flattens the list into a vector of characters
 str_split(s2, ' ', simplify = T) # Returns a matrix instead of a list
  • Substrings
 str_sub(s2, 1, 1) # get the first letter of every entry
  • Regular expressions on a (list of) Strings
 str_view(s1, "(S|s)tr") # Search and show the result
 str_detect(s1, "[0-9]") # Check presence
 str_extract(s1, "[0-9]+") # Extract the (first) match
 str_replace(s1, "[0-9]+", ":)") # replace first occurrence
 str_replace_all(s1, "([0-9]+)", "\\1 :)") # replace all
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About swk

I am a software developr, data scientist, computational linguist, teacher of computer science and above all a huge fan of LaTeX. I use LaTeX for everything, including things you never wanted to do with LaTeX. My latest love is lilypond, aka LaTeX for music. I'll post at irregular intervals about cool stuff, stupid hacks and annoying settings I want to remember for the future.