Writing verbatim inside verbatim

More strange problems, still teaching LaTeX. So I wanted to teach people how to get text or code formatted exactly as they type it with the verbatim environment. This is the part of code I wanted to use as an example:

text inside a      verbatim environment
is printed \emph{exactly} as     you\\
type      it ! % no comment!

What I usually do is I have a block that shows the code they have to write and then the result. And of course for showing the code they need to write, I use verbatim. So can you include verbatim inside verbatim?

Well, yes you can, but of course you cannot include \end{verbatim}, as this would be interpreted as ending the verbatim environment. So I had to add this separately afterwards, using \verb (inline verbatim). Voila:

\begin{block}{What you write}
text inside a      verbatim environment
is printed \emph{exactly} as     you\\
type      it ! % no comment!

Now there’s only a small problem, namely that there is some spacing after the environment, so it seems like there is an empty line between the end of the verbatim text and the \end{verbatim}. For this example it doesn’t matter, I use it to show them that empty lines are also printed exactly as they are given.

But next example is how to include verbatim inside a beamer frame. The example code I wanted to show inside the usual verbatim environment:


So you see that here I don’t really want an empty line between \end{verbatim} and \end{frame}. So my final hacky solution jumped back up over that space after the environment:

\begin{block}{What you write}
\verb|   \end{verbatim}|\\

Which works fine, but the more easy solution is probably this one (or use lstlisting or any other code-environment):

\begin{block}{What you write}
\verb|   \begin{verbatim}|\\
\verb|      test|\\
\verb|   \end{verbatim}|\\
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About swk

I am a software developr, data scientist, computational linguist, teacher of computer science and above all a huge fan of LaTeX. I use LaTeX for everything, including things you never wanted to do with LaTeX. My latest love is lilypond, aka LaTeX for music. I'll post at irregular intervals about cool stuff, stupid hacks and annoying settings I want to remember for the future.