Overlays and verbatim

Another weird LaTeX problem. I have a piece of code on my slide and the result it gives. I want to change the code slightly and visualize the change in the result. Normally in LaTeX beamer slides, I would use overlays like this:

some code
\alt<2>{slightly changed code on slide 2}{original code on slide 1}
some more code

this item is the same in both
\visible<1>{this one is only there for the original code}
\visible<2>{this one is only there for the changed code}

So far, so good. The code is in a verbatim environment, so I have cannot put the overlay around the line I want to change, but that’s fine, let’s make it an alternative around the whole verbatim part. But, unfortunately, the problem is that you cannot put a verbatim environment inside of overlays (learn why). So you have to hack it. This is the code I want, the line with FILTER is the one I only want to have on the second slide:

SELECT ?book ?author ?releasedate
   ?book dbo:author ?author .
      ?book dbp:releaseDate ?releasedate . 
   } UNION {
      ?book dbp:pubDate ?releasedate . 
   FILTER (?releasedate > 1950)

Like in my post on using verbatim inside of verbatim, I have to end the verbatim environment prematurely, skip back over the space and then I can include the overlay inside of verb.

SELECT ?book ?author ?releasedate
   ?book dbo:author ?author .
      ?book dbp:releaseDate ?releasedate . 
   } UNION {
      ?book dbp:pubDate ?releasedate . 
\verb|  |\visible<2>{\texttt{FILTER (?releasedate > 1950 )}}\\

Not the most elegant way, but it works…

Writing verbatim inside verbatim

More strange problems, still teaching LaTeX. So I wanted to teach people how to get text or code formatted exactly as they type it with the verbatim environment. This is the part of code I wanted to use as an example:

text inside a      verbatim environment
is printed \emph{exactly} as     you\\
type      it ! % no comment!

What I usually do is I have a block that shows the code they have to write and then the result. And of course for showing the code they need to write, I use verbatim. So can you include verbatim inside verbatim?

Well, yes you can, but of course you cannot include \end{verbatim}, as this would be interpreted as ending the verbatim environment. So I had to add this separately afterwards, using \verb (inline verbatim). Voila:

\begin{block}{What you write}
text inside a      verbatim environment
is printed \emph{exactly} as     you\\
type      it ! % no comment!

Now there’s only a small problem, namely that there is some spacing after the environment, so it seems like there is an empty line between the end of the verbatim text and the \end{verbatim}. For this example it doesn’t matter, I use it to show them that empty lines are also printed exactly as they are given.

But next example is how to include verbatim inside a beamer frame. The example code I wanted to show inside the usual verbatim environment:


So you see that here I don’t really want an empty line between \end{verbatim} and \end{frame}. So my final hacky solution jumped back up over that space after the environment:

\begin{block}{What you write}
\verb|   \end{verbatim}|\\

Which works fine, but the more easy solution is probably this one (or use lstlisting or any other code-environment):

\begin{block}{What you write}
\verb|   \begin{verbatim}|\\
\verb|      test|\\
\verb|   \end{verbatim}|\\


Another strange problem. I am teaching LaTeX and I usually have slides that say “write this” and “get this”, e.g., write \textbf{bold text} and get bold text.

So I wanted to do the same for the part where I teach beamer. Of course my slides are beamer slides, so I was curious what would happen if I simply include a title page or a table of content inside a minipage. Yes, it works, it inserts the part with the title respectively the table of contents. Of course what is missing is the frame layout, so I had to do a bit of adjusting there. But in the end I have a miniature version of the actual title page and table of content right there in the slide. This is how it works:

First, I used a minipage to get the frame aspect ratio right:


Around that a resizebox so that it comfortably fits onto my page below the code that explains how to do it, and an fbox to get some “frame feeling”.


And basically that’s it for the title page, only a bit more space below the text:


For the table of contents I had to re-make the frame layout with the navigation bars and the frametitle. The theme is Madrid, which is pretty simple, so I only had to do a blue bar on top and another one at the bottom. For that I used a beamercolorbox which I guess is also used in the theme itself. The values for height and the rest are pure trial and error. I didn’t include the title, author, date etc. at the bottom, although that shouldn’t be too difficult.

\begin{beamercolorbox}[dp=1ex, ht=3ex, wd=1.065\textwidth]{frametitle}
\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=1.5ex, wd=1.065\textwidth]{frametitle}

Maybe not useful, but really cool to have on the slides!