If you read NLP literature, you will find literature refernces of the form “The first work on this task was done by Smith and Miller (2006). Similar techniques are used in information retrieval (Doe and Norman, 2010).”
This is quite different from what LaTeX usually provides – numbered citations like [1] with ‘plain’ or cryptic letter-number combinations like [SM06] with ‘alpha’. The closest you can get out of the box is ‘apalike’ which would give you [Smith and Miller, 2006].
So what to do?
1. Option: Use a bibliography style provided by some NLP conference, e.g., from NAACL 2013. They will generally offer \newcite
to get Smith and Miller (2006) and \cite
to get (Doe and Norman, 2010).
2. Option: Use natbib which offers \cite
to get Smith and Miller (2006) and \citep
to get (Doe and Norman, 2010). Additionally, natbib can do much more, e.g., you can add text into the parenthesis.
Minimal example:
\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} \usepackage{natbib} \bibliographystyle{apalike} \begin{document} The first work on this task was done by \cite{SmithMiller2006}. Similar techniques are used in information retrieval \citep{DoeNorman2010}. \bibliography{literatur} \end{document}
So, why not use both, some aclstyle and natbib together? Well… they are not compatible (or at least I was not able to make it work).