Sometimes you have files in your SVN folder that you don’t want to include in the svn. For example let’s say svn status
gives the following result:
M data/data.tex ? data/data.aux ? mydoc.bbl ? mydoc.blg ? mydoc.log ? mydoc.out M mydoc.tex M mydoc.pdf ? mydoc.toc
All these files are temporary files that LaTeX creates and I don’t want them in my SVN. Is there some way that I don’t have to see them anymore everytime I check what I have changed? YES! There’s a SVN property that you can set for a folder which is called "ignore".
So to ignore all files with the extension aux
in the current directory, you can do this:
svn propset svn:ignore *.aux .
But doing that for every one of the five filetypes is already too much for me. Also, the setting applies only to one folder, I would need to repeat the same thing for each subfolder! Fortunately, you can (a) specify a file which contains the stuff to be ignored and (b) call the command recursively on all subfolders. So I write all the things I want to ignore (*.aux, *.bbl, *.blg, *.out, *.toc) into the file ignorethisyoustupidsvn.txt
(one pattern per line) and execute the following command:
svn propset svn:ignore -R -F ignorethisyoustupidsvn.txt .
Now let’s do svn status
M data/data.tex M mydoc.tex M mydoc.pdf
Yay 🙂
Links: SVN properties documentation, Getting svn to ignore files and directories (superchlorine)