LaTeX package “wrapfig”

LaTeX is all nice and fancy if you write technical texts, where the pictures are floating in the text (mostly at the top and/or bottom of pages) and you reference them with numbers. But as I do all sorts of things with LaTeX, sometimes I want more “fun” texts which have pictures somewhere in the pages and text flowing around them.

For this purpose, I have now discovered the package wrapfig:


You can include a picture like this (this one floats left of the text with a width of 7em):


You can control some of the appearance with different settings in the preamble (see the documentation at CTAN), e.g.,


Positioning rests in the middle of a two-voice line

In choir scores, you often have the score for two voices (e.g., soprano and alto) in one line:

      \new Staff  = "Frauen"<<
         \new Voice = "Sopran" { \voiceOne \global  \soprano }
         \new Voice = "Alt" { \voiceTwo \global  \alto }

When they both have a pause at the same time with the same length, lilypond will still print two rests in different positions. If you (like me) think this looks weird, here is how you can change it:

soprano = \relative c' { a2 \oneVoice r4 \voiceOne a4 }
alto = \relative c' { a2 s4 a4 }

In one voice, change to only one voice with \oneVoice for the rest and then back to the usual voice, here /voiceOne. If you do the same in the other voice, you will get warnings about clashing notes, so instead of using a rest, use an invisible rest (spacer) with s.

An alternative is the following command which causes all rests to appear in the middle of the line. It should be used inside the \layout block:

   \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0